flor da cana do brejo

terça-feira, 6 de março de 2012

Sereno Wake

Hidden in the foliage
... of thin sheets of raffia
to protect the lives
without allowing the stolen
my beautiful thrush
built a nest often
unable to undo
                                                                                                      Robin's nest built in raffia palm 

The eggs off the thrush
Three eggs there arose
heated with love
nurturing small beings
kept secret
cultivating the first trill
the day by waking

The serene waking
the sun each day
together the three small
returned my gaze
to me that
one day
also dwelt
my nest
The offsprin off thrush
There were many time
palms buckled up
from one side to the other
but nothing has crumbled
the perfect balance
branches intertwined
worked on a loom

Photos: Lucia Gomes

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